An Invocation For Every Moment Of Our Lives

Notice what’s happening. Notice the breath in our lungs and the blood in our veins. Pay attention to the magic and the mystery of a heart that sends blood to every living cell every time it beats. Notice power and energy in our muscles and nerves, the power of gravity to hold us where we are and the power of our imaginations and intentions to move us around. Notice our planet hurling us through space at 67,000 miles per hour. Notice the abundance of food and fields all over the world ripe for harvest. Pay attention to how many people and systems have worked together to keep us alive, to feed us, to put clothes on our bodies, to heat our homes and move us from place to place. Notice how we are all the sum totals of forces that have made this moment possible operating for 50 billion years across an infinitely huge universe. We are the results of trillions of trillions of processes, thoughts, words, and deeds. While there is still a crying need for justice and change, we would do well to breathe deeply of what’s happening right now as we work together for that most just world.


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